
Threat discovered at Hagerty High School in Oviedo

Sheriff's officials say threat not credible

OVIEDO, Fla. – Nearly 700 students were called out of school on Thursday after a threat, which was later deemed not credible, was found scribbled on a bathroom wall Thursday at Hagerty High School.

Seminole County sheriff's officials said deputies went to the school, located at 3225 Lockwood Boulevard in Oviedo, as a precaution.

School officials sent a message to parents through the phone and on the district's Facebook page, saying school administrators were aware of a vague threat to school safety that was found written in a boys restroom.

It's not known what the threat stated.

School officials said false claims on a social media page led to 687 students being called out of school by their parents.

"At no point did law enforcement ever feel the need to place the school on lockdown and school went on as normal," officials said.

"It is unequivocally imperative that facts are confirmed before posting," the school said in its message sent to parents in reference to posting on social media.

No other details were released.

Officials said if anyone knows who wrote the threat to contact authorities.

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