“Throughout history, in times of uncertainty, the world looks for heroes. In 2019, searches for heroes soared.”
That’s how Google begins its video to recap the most-searched topics of the year.
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But the video doesn’t just highlight superheroes -- it features the best ones: Everyday heroes.
We can’t help but love some of the most-searched hero terms: real life superheroes; people with superpowers; unsung heroes; sheroes; supermom; superdad; what do heroes look like? What makes a person a hero? Can anyone be a hero?
Among those inspiring searches, there were many others that trended in 2019.
Some of the top searches worldwide were:
- India vs South Africa
- Cameron Boyce
- Copa America
- Bangladesh vs India
- iPhone 11
In the United States, the top searches were:
- Disney Plus
- Cameron Boyce
- Nipsey Hussle
- Hurricane Dorian
- Antonio Brown
Other top searches were:

[Click here to see all of the top worldwide searches of 2019 | Click here to see all of the top U.S. searches of 2019]
Among some of the other most-searched terms were: Baby Yoda, intermittent fasting, Miranda Lambert, “Avengers: Endgame,” “Old Town Road," Washington Nationals and Area 51, to name a few.
If you take a look through the lists, you might learn a thing or two about our curiosity of things, but most of all, that we are intrigued by heroes.
As Google says in its year-end video: “To everyone using their powers to empower others — search on.”