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Baby Yoda coming to Build-A-Bear

Fans clamoring “The Mandalorian” star toys

Baby Yoda stuffed toys coming to Build-A-Bear (Disney)

IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY – In a search that took longer than finding Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, the hugely popular Baby Yoda stuffed animal will soon be available to purchase off store shelves.

Build-A-Bear announced Tuesday it will start selling Baby Yoda plush toys in company stores over the next few months, Business Insider reports.

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The Baby Yoda character jumped to superstardom via hyperspace as one of the mysterious central figures on “The Mandalorian,” a Disney+ that takes place within the Star Wars universe. Failing to see the oncoming Baby Yoda phenomenon, Disney had no toys waiting in the wings for those who wanted to take the cute li’l guy or gal home.