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Everything you need to know before cutting your hair at home

Style editor Jon Jordan showing off thinning shears. (Style Wise.)

Considering where we stand with the stay-at-home orders, you might be thinking you could really use a haircut right about now.

But before you whip out the first set of scissors you see sitting around in the junk drawer, StyleWise style editor Jon Jordan has some helpful tips on what you need to know about giving yourself an at-home haircut.

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The No. 1 Jordan recommends is having the proper scissors (or shears, if you’re fancy) to get the job done.

Most people would use ordinary shears, but they will leave a blunt edge, which may not be ideal for a stylish haircut.

Jordan recommends investing in a pair of thinning shears.

The thinning shears are more forgiving and do a better job at blending the edges, as opposed to a regular pair of shears.

You can check out the full StyleWise video, above, for some more advice.

Did you give yourself a “quarantine” haircut at home? Let us know how it turned out!

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