Here’s how to program your garage door opener built into your car visor

Step-by-step repair

BUNNELL, Fla. – Karen, of Bunnell, asked us to program her garage door remote buttons built into her sun visor in her car because she couldn’t get them to work on her own.

We found out why – it was a struggle! The programming sequence is very specific and we had to follow it step by step. Eventually, we figured it out.

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Patience – this may take a few tries!

Step 1

Find your car manual. If you can’t, go to Google. Search for your car model and your garage door motor brand and you should find instructions. Generally, any built-in remote buttons in car visors or car ceilings or on car rearview mirrors are by the brand Homelink. So, generally, programming instructions are the same.

Step 2

Erase any existing codes. Most Homelink built-in remotes have three buttons. Generally, the delete sequence is to hold the two outer buttons for about 30 seconds until the small red light blinks rapidly.

Getting Results at Home: Program your garage door opener built into your car visor. (Copyright 2025 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)

Step 3

First try programming the buttons using your handheld garage door opener that came with your garage door motor. Hold the handheld remote just a few inches from your sun visor buttons. Generally the sequence is pressing and holding your handheld opener button at the same time as pressing your visor button (the one you want to program). This teaches the code from your handheld remote to your visor button. Hold both buttons until you see the flashing red light on the visor eventually stop flashing and stay solid. If this happens, you’re done. If not, continue to Step 4.

Getting Results at Home: Program your garage door opener built into your car visor. (Copyright 2025 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)
Getting Results at Home: Program your garage door opener built into your car visor. (Copyright 2025 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)

Step 4

Now you want to force your garage door opener motor to give access to your sun visor buttons. Climb up to your garage door motor. Find the “learn” button or program button depending on your model motor. Sometimes the button is inside the light lid so flip down the lid. Push the button or you may need to hold down the button for a few seconds until the learn or programming light comes on. Then you have 30 seconds to get back to your car.

Getting Results at Home: Program your garage door opener built into your car visor. (Copyright 2025 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)

Step 5

Within 30 seconds, get back into your car and push the same button on the sun visor that you pushed earlier. This time, hold the button again and eventually the blinking red light should stop flashing and switch to solid. Once that happens, your garage door motor has accepted the new sun visor remote button. Lastly, push the same button one more time to lock in the code.

Getting Results at Home: Program your garage door opener built into your car visor. (Copyright 2025 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)
Getting Results at Home: Program your garage door opener built into your car visor. (Copyright 2025 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)

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About the Author
Erik von Ancken headshot

Erik von Ancken anchors and reports for News 6 and is a two-time Emmy award-winning journalist in the prestigious and coveted "On-Camera Talent" categories for both anchoring and reporting.