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What are the best musical instruments for children with autism?

Musical Mind gives some ideas, tips, things to consider

Courtesy of Pexels.

Whether it’s to provide relaxation or to develop coordination or motor skills, playing music instruments is a great activity for kids who have autism. 

Here are five instruments that might be good to consider, according to an article on

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1). Ukulele

Strumming strings on this instrument helps develop motor control, and it has four strings compared to a full-size guitar with six strings. The ukulele is also easier to hold than a guitar and doesn't produce horrible sounds if a wrong note is hit. Ukuleles also aren't that expensive, with prices ranging from $50 to $100.

2). Recorder

Not only is this instrument easy to hold, cheap (some models are less than $10) and helps develop motor skills, but it is also a good way for children with autism to learn breathing control. High-pitched notes can be a potential problem, but if that can be harnessed, this is a good and inexpensive instrument.

3). Xylophone/glockenspiel

Another small and inexpensive instrument (ranging from $50 to $100), this helps kids with autism develop impulse control and hand-eye coordination. 

4). Trumpet

With only three keys, there's an advantage here. The trumpet also helps develop breathing control and has a unique sound that appeals to kids, particularly older ones who want to get into the band at school. 

5). Bongos

Simply hitting bongos can be a good way to enjoy sound and work off some energy. But if there's a desire to get more in-depth, learning to play them along to music develops hand-eye coordination and motor skills. A sense of movement and rhythm can especially be developed with bongos, which can be played sitting down or standing up. 
