ORLANDO, Fla. – The first call featured Cindy Anthony saying she wants her daughter arrested for stealing a car and money.
"I have someone here who I need to be arrested in my home," Cindy Anthony is heard telling a 911 operator.
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"They are there right now?" the 911 operator said.
"And I have a possible missing child," Cindy Anthony then said. "I have a 3-year-old who has been missing for a month."
"A 3-year-old?" the 911 operator said. "Have you reported that?"
"I'm trying to do that now," Cindy Anthony said.
"OK, what did the person do that you need arrested?" the operator asked.
"My daughter," Cindy Anthony said.
"For what?" the 911 operator said.
"For stealing an auto and stealing money," Cindy Anthony said. "I already spoke to someone who said they would patch me through to the Orlando Sheriff's Department and have a deputy here. I was in the car and I was going to drive her to the police station, and no one is open. They said they would bring a deputy to my home when I got home to call them."
"So, she stole your vehicle?" the 911 operator said.
"Yes," Cindy Anthony said.
"When did she do that?" the 911 operator said.
"On the (June) 30," Anthony said. "I just got it back from the impound. I'd like to speak to an officer. Can you have someone come out to my house?"
Another call featured the first words heard from the mother of the missing girl. She said she knows who has her daughter.
Casey Anthony's mother began the call:
"I called a little bit ago to the deputy sheriff's and I've found out that my granddaughter has been taken -- she has been missing for a month," Cindy Anthony told a 911 operator. "Her mother had finally admitted that she had been missing."
"What is the address you are calling from," the 911 operator said.
"We are talking about a 3-year-old little girl," Cindy Anthony said while crying. "My daughter finally admitted that the baby sitter stole her. I need to find her."
"Your daughter admitted that the baby is where?" the 911 operator asked.
"She said she took her a month ago and my daughter has been looking for her," Cindy Anthony said. "I told you my daughter has been missing for a month and I just found her today. But I can't find my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her by herself. There is something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."
"OK, what is the 3-year-old's name?" the 911 operator said.
"Caylee, C-A-Y-L-E-E, Anthony," Cindy Anthony said.
"How long has she been missing for?" the 911 operator asked.
"I have not seen her since June 7," Cindy Anthony said.
Anthony's speech is then inaudible.
"Can you calm down for me for just a minute," the 911 operator said. "I need to know what is going on. Is your daughter there? Can I speak with her? Do you mind if I speak with her?"
"Hello," Casey Anthony said.
"Hi," the 911 operator said. "Can you tell me what's going on a little bit?"
"My daughter has been missing for the last 31 days," Casey Anthony said.
"And, you know who has her?" the 911 operator said.
"I know who has her," Casey Anthony said. "I tried to contact her and I actually received a phone call today from a number that is no longer in service. I did get to speak to my daughter for about a minute."
"Did you guys report a vehicle stolen?" the 911 operator said.
"Yes, my mom did," Casey Anthony said.
"OK, so there has been a vehicle stolen too?" the 911 operator said.
"No," Casey Anthony said. "This is my vehicle."
"What vehicle was stolen?" the 911 operator asked.
"It's a 1998 Pontiac," Casey Anthony said.
"We have deputies on the way to you for that but know your 3-year-old is missing -- Caylee Anthony," the 911 operator said.
"Yes," Casey Anthony said.
"You lost her a month ago?" the 911 operator said.
"Thirty-one days (ago)," Casey Anthony said.
"Who has her?" the 911 operator asked. "Do you have a name?"
"Her name is Zenida Fernandez Gonzalez," Casey Anthony said.
"Who is that, the baby sitter?" the 911 operator asked.
"She's been my nanny for about a year and a half or two years," Casey Anthony said.
"Why are you calling now? Why didn't you call 31 days ago?" the 911 operator asked.
"I've been looking for her and have gone through other resources to try to find her -- which is stupid," Anthony said.
Casey Anthony then spells out Gonzalez's name for the operator then says the officers have arrived at the house.