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10-foot alligator attacks woman in Little Big Econ River in Seminole County

60-year-old bitten near Snow Hill bridge in Geneva

GENEVA, Fla. – A 60-year-old woman was attacked by a large alligator Friday in the Little Big Econ River in Seminole County, according to officials.

Sherry Golden was bitten on the arm in the attack, which happened near the Snow Hill bridge in Geneva.

"The victim was with a group of people and wading in waist-deep water at the time of incident," the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said.

Trappers captured and killed the gator, which was 10 feet, 8 inches long.

The animal was so heavy, trappers had to tie a rope around the gator's neck to drag it onto the riverbank. It took several men to load it onto a truck.

The area is so wooded that it took some time for emergency crews to get to the victim.

Golden was bitten on her left arm and was taken to Central Florida Regional Hospital in Sanford. The extent of her injuries was not known.

Snow Hill Road and Bob White Trail were closed in the area.

About the Authors
Daniel Dahm headshot

Daniel started with WKMG-TV in 2000 and became the digital content manager in 2009. When he's not working on, Daniel likes to head to the beach or find a sporting event nearby.