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Is it legal to drive with feet sticking out of the window?

Trooper Steve says it's definitely not safe

ORLANDO, Fla. – News 6 traffic safety expert Trooper Steve Montiero answers viewer questions about the rules of the road every week, helping Orlando-area residents become better drivers by being better educated.

If you have traveled anywhere here in Florida during our summer months, you really never know what you’re going to see.

One thing is sure though, suddenly we see a plenty of feet hanging out car windows. Tonya from Sanford asked the question whether this was legal or not.

[WEB EXTRA: Submit your traffic safety question to Trooper Steve]

Now Florida does not address this specific “Florida behavior,” but I do have my reservations on this.

Although it may not be illegal, it’s definitely not safe. As a passenger in a vehicle there are plenty of rules and we must follow them in order to be safe and not receive a ticket. When placing your feet out the window you have to ask, is what I am doing safe? Is it illegal?

For a driver of a vehicle, you have now lost positive control of the car and could be cited for careless driving or as a passenger you have to watch because now your seat belt may not be properly worn.

As a fellow Floridian, I am all about relaxing and having a good time, but no one wants to see your feet sticking out the window. 

About the Author
Steve Montiero headshot

Steven Montiero, better known as “Trooper Steve," joined the News 6 morning team as its Traffic Safety Expert in October 2017. A Central Florida native and decorated combat veteran, Montiero comes to the station following an eight-year assignment with the Florida Highway Patrol.
