Take a look into the history of a UCF historic landmark

Landmark was created almost 5 decades ago

ORLANDO, Fla.Almost five decades ago, the University of Central Florida created one its most picturesque landmarks.

Located in front of the John C. Hitt library, is the Reflecting Pond - considered an icon because of a yearly tradition that takes place there.

Each year, hundreds of UCF students join the Spirit Splash event in which they run toward the reflecting pond during homecoming week and they wrestle over rubber ducks in 228,000 gallons of water.

"It's very fun. It has lots of energy, lots of people," Ashley Mendoza, a UCF student who's participated in the event two years in a row. "It was fun trying to catch a duck -- I actually caught one the first year."

In 2011, Spirit Splash was awarded best campus tradition by the National Association for Campus Activities and it's one of UCF's oldest traditions.

The landmark is also very popular on graduation day. It's where students gather for their last picture before saying goodbye to their campus.

The pond, which measures 182 by 120 feet, is also a place students and faculty enjoy a break away from the typical classroom environment.

"It's quieter than even the library - it's noisy sometimes, and the noise that the fountain makes just lets me focus," Alexandra Farías, a UCF student, said.

What was once a mud-filled hole when UCF first opened its doors in 1963 is today's pride.

The Reflecting Pond even served as a backdrop where President Richard Nixon delivered the commencement speech in 1973.

A spot that holds the Knight spirit with its rich history and duckling vibes.