DeLand student brings knife that looks like gun to school, police say

Students were not in danger

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DeLAND, Fla. – A DeLand High School student brought a knife that was shaped like a gun on campus and attempted to start a fight with one of his peers, according to the DeLand Police Department.

Police said a school resource officer was approached by six girls who said they were in a confrontation with Craig Denton, 19, who the girls said had lifted his shirt to display what looked like a gun in his waistband and told them to "back off me before I bust yo (expletive)."

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When approached, Denton ran and threw an object that was later determined to be a knife designed to look like a gun in its holster, the report said.

Denton, a sophomore, was taken into custody shortly after 11:30 a.m. near campus, authorities said.

Police Chief Jason Umberger said he's never seen a gun-shaped knife, but he has seen other products, such as cellphone cases, that are designed to look like firearms.

"There's all kinds of things that manufacturers make that look like guns ... it's kind of ridiculous when you think about it, why do manufacturers make things that look like guns? What purpose does that serve," Umberger said.

He said those types of products should never be brought to school.

"It's certainly something that's not going to be tolerated in our schools and it can't be. I mean, our schools are places where our young people come to learn and why do you need a knife or a gun at school? It's not necessary," Umberger said.

Students were not in any immediate danger at the time of the incident, according to a news release.