Disney stroller thief caught, deputies say

Michele Craig turns herself in

ORLANDO, Fla. – Michele Craig turned herself in only two hours away from where she allegedly stole a stroller at Disney World.

The victim, Lauren Collazo, said she used Facebook to help track Craig down, along with her stroller, which Craig had already sold to someone several states away, Collazo said.

Collazo was getting off her first ride of the day when she noticed the stroller was missing, she said.

Disney security cameras captured a photo of the stroller, and the alleged thief, who appeared to be pushing her own daughter.

Collazo immediately posted the picture on social media and learned Craig had sold the stroller to a mother in Texas, Collazo said.

Somehow, that Texas mom saw Collazo's social media post and realized the stroller was stolen.

That's when the deal fell apart. Detectives got word of the sale and re-routed the package back to Orlando.

On Friday, Collazo said she was relieved, and thankful to social media for helping her figure out who stole her stroller.

"She's an awful person and a horrible mother to put her daughter through this,” Collazo said. “I'm happy that she was caught and she is not going to hurt any more families in Disney and hopefully, this time she'll learn her lesson.”

The victim did get her stroller back, but not in the best condition.

Collazo said she'll be taking more precautions from now on, including the use of a stroller lock.