Florida Rep. Charles Van Zant says testing company promotes homosexuality

Rep. makes controversial statements at anti-Common Core event in Orlando

State Rep. Charles Van Zant Sr. speaks at Operation Education Conference in Orlando

ORLANDO, Fla. – A state lawmaker from Clay County claims the company charged with creating new state standardized tests in Florida promotes homosexuality.

WJXT reports the group "Think Progress" posted a video on YouTube of Rep. Charles Van Zant Sr. from Keystone Heights claiming the American Institutes for Research promotes homosexuality on its website.

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"Please, go on their website. Click the link to what they're doing with youth and you will see what their agenda really is," said Van Zant. "They are promoting as hard as they can any youth that is interested in the LGBT agenda and even name it 2-S, as they define as having two spirits. The Bible says a lot about being double-minded."


Van Zant made the comments in March at the "Operation Education Conference" in Orlando, an anti-Common Core event, according to Think Progress.

"These people, that will now receive $220 million from the state of Florida unless it's stopped, will promote double-mindedness in state education and attract every one of your children to become a homosexual as they possibly can. … I'm sorry to report that to you and I thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. I really hate to bring you that news. But you need to know," said Van Zant.

AIR was selected in March by the Florida Department of Education Commissioner to create assessment tests to replace the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test as a push to improve Florida Standards.

WJXT has reached out to Van Zant by phone, but has not yet received a call back. Van Zant has not yet made a public comment about his remarks.