‘We’re throttling for change:’ Motorcycle ride calls for racial justice

Riders stopped at Orange County elections office, courthouse

ORLANDO, Fla. – A large group of motorcyclists hit the road Saturday morning calling for change and to protest police brutality.

The Florida Rights Restoration Coalition and Central Florida Motorcycle Council held the "Ride for Racial Justice."

“This is the start of something major across the nation. We’re not going to stop. It’s full-throttle ahead for social reform,” Toni Washington with the Central Florida Motorcycle Council said.

Riders from across the state met at the FRRC headquarters to make sure their voices are heard.

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Motorcycle ride calls for racial justice

Lady V drove up from Ft. Myers and said it was important for her to participate in the ride.

"I have sons and there's a lot going on that I'm not okay with. And if you don't speak up for something, if you don't be part of something, you have no right to complain," Lady V said.

In the wake of the officer-involved death of George Floyd, the riders are calling for change to the criminal justice system. They rode to the Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office and to the courthouse. The group said they were protesting police brutality.

Neil Volz, the deputy director of FRRC, said the nation is listening now more than ever and they want to keep the momentum going.

"People are listening to each other in ways that maybe hadn't been heard before. We need to keep moving forward and we need to do it in a way that brings about power and real change and that is through the election process," Volz said.

Volz said they were encouraging people to register to vote before the July 20th deadline.

“By voting and engaging in the political process, we can bring about the kind of changes that need to see as it involves racial justice, issues around policing, and all of those things that we’re seeing and feeling and know are so true in our lives,” Volz said.

Washington said they are not putting the brakes on their mission.

“We’re throttling for reform, we’re throttling for change, we’re throttling for injustice and we will be throttling throughout the state of Florida and wherever else we can get to,” Washington said.