TITUSVILLE, Fla. – Trooper Steve shares a memorable moment he had with News 6 viewer, Joan Richardson:
[Sunday], I had a moment that is something I will carry for the rest of my life. I believe in “moments”. Times where a check mark happens and it something recalled very easily. This was one of those moments that my heart swelled, my eyes watered and I felt an overwhelming sense of joy. Why so much? Just hop on any social media platform, TV network, article, live stream… it’s rough. There is not much joy out there. But when you run into it, it can be something amazing. I’d like to share my moment from yesterday with you if you don’t mind.
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This is Joan and she is an angel. Period. I had a chance to be a Chief Judge at a car show for the Titusville Rotary and it was simply perfect. Weather beautiful. I met in the morning with Joe who was the coordinator of the event. He wanted me to meet his mother, 89 years young Joan. When I met her, her spirit was bright! We spoke about how oddly chilly it was outside and that she paints to help with her arthritis. Her display table was filled with lively paintings of beautiful animals. I was so surprised of their realness. Then, I was taken by surprise. There was a painting there that was impossible for her to have painted, but it was. There I saw a photo of my dog, Prada.
Now if you know me, you know Prada. And everyone loves Prada. Her soul is powerful. So, when I saw the photo, I picked it up and looked at Joan. Of course, she’s standing there smiling ear to ear. My girl turns 16 years old soon and recently has begun to show that maybe, her time is close. I have had her from the start, so she means a lot. Her eyes tell everything. She’s special and if you have a dog like her you know what I’m talking about.
Joan found her photo after seeing it on my social media and explained that she connected with Prada through her eyes and started the painting in December by drawing her eyes first. This moment was almost too much. It represents her flawlessly and I was shocked. The color, her eyes and her little leg in the back. This lady is special and I am honored to have met her presence today.
I say all this to say this moment was an awesome moment of intentional kindness. It means a lot and I wanted to express my thanks for this and thanks and love for Joan with as many people as possible. Maybe it can be contagious.
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