
What would you do for your dreams? See ‘Tootsie’ at this Central Florida theatre

Show performing at Titusville Playhouse July 26 - Aug. 18

Jordyn Linkous plays Dorothy Michaels in "Tootsie" at Titusville Playhouse. ( Niko Stamos, Titusville Playhouse)

TITUSVILLE, Fla. – We know part of being an actor is going after your dreams, but Michael Dorsey will go at any length to make it happen, even if it means going in disguise.

Based on the hit comedy film starring Dustin Hoffman, “Tootsie” is about skilled actor, Michael Dorsey, and his struggle to keep a job.

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He decides to make his dream come true by taking on a new persona, an actress named Dorothy Michaels.

The decision helps in his rise to stardom, but he soon starts to fall for his co-star, Julie. The show follows Michael as he realizes maintaining this disguise to keep his rising acting career is going to be much harder than he expected.

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Jordyn Linkous plays Michael Dorsey. He said he auditioned for the role because he’s a fan of the film and he wanted to to take on a challenging character that he’s never played before.

“I’m no stranger to a frock and a wig, but it’s usually more of an over-the-top camp style of performance, whereas this role you are playing a cisgender man who is able to be convincing as a woman,” Linkous said.

Jordyn Linkous as Dorothy Michaels and the Cast of "Tootsie" at Titusville Playhouse. (Titusville Playhouse)

He explained what it takes to play two different personalities in the same show and how he relates to Michael.

“Michael, however misguided his actions are, is at his core a guy who loves his craft and feels like he’s not achieved his idea of success, so of course, I can relate to that. I think anyone can, which is part of what makes the show so relatable to an audience,” Linkous said. “As Dorothy, I definitely have pulled influence from women within my family or childhood. I knew for Dorothy to be convincing, I had to have a genuine connection. So there’s definitely parts of my personal life and upbringing in her which help make her feel very personal to me from an actor standpoint.”

Steven Heron is the director of the show coming to Titusville, and he’s the executive and artistic director at Titusville Playhouse.

“When I picked the season, I usually direct the first show of the season and ‘Tootsie’ was it. It is an amazing show and I am honored to bring it to the stage here in Central Florida,” Heron said.

He said they first started with music rehearsal last month, then came blocking and choreography. With summer vacations and holidays, they rehearsed about three days a week until last week when they started running the show Monday through Thursday.

“I have seen our production of this show more than anyone, and I laugh every time I see it. ‘Tootsie’ is structured like a sitcom and it moves very quickly and jokes fly at you so fast that some will zing past you while you are still laughing at something else,” Heron said.

Frank Thompson as Ron Carlisle and the Cast of "Tootsie" at Titusville Playhouse. (Titusville Playhouse)

He also explained there’s a serious message behind the show.

“There is also the underlying message of female empowerment, that I think is so important in this day and age. It is a show with a message, but like all good shows, it allows the audience find the message in a way that is funny and organic,” he said.

The show starts tomorrow and runs through August 18. Click here for ticket information.

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