Man played video games while daughter drowned in bathtub, Osceola deputies say

Joshua Ruiz-Martinez, 32, arrested Tuesday

Joshua Ruiz-Martinez, 32 (Osceola County Corrections)

OSCEOLA COUNTY, Fla. – A man arrested in Osceola County is accused of aggravated manslaughter of a child after his daughter drowned in a bathtub while he played video games, according to the sheriff’s office.

Joshua Ruiz-Martinez, 32, was arrested via warrant on Tuesday, records show.

According to the affidavit for Ruiz-Martinez’s arrest warrant, his daughter was pronounced dead the evening of April 21, 2024, less than an hour after the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office responded to his 911 call from the 600 block of Steerview Street.

Ruiz-Martinez initially told investigators that he had placed his daughter in the bathtub and was only gone for about three minutes to prepare a bottle in the kitchen before he returned to see her unresponsive and face-down in the water, yet search warrants on his electronic devices told a different story, the affidavit states.

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It was found that Ruiz-Martinez was actively playing video games on his computer that day, according to the document. After the child was placed in the bathtub around 5:25 p.m., gameplay actions were then documented at 5:27 p.m., 5:29 p.m., 5:33 p.m. and 5:35 p.m., contradicting his earlier statements, investigators said.

The gameplay logs then recorded an “AFK” entry — aka “away from keyboard,” in this case indicating 15 minutes of inactivity — at 5:50 p.m., what the affidavit states aligned with the timing of the 911 call at 5:37 p.m. and was confirmation that “Joshua was actively engaged with the game up until moments before discovering his daughter’s drowning.”

Detectives would go on to find messages that Ruiz-Martinez sent between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. that night which falsely claimed his daughter drowned in a pool and that law enforcement had not informed him of what happened, as well as a warning to his friends to “never leave your kid with no one,” according to the affidavit.

When investigators showed Ruiz-Martinez these timestamps, he allegedly reacted emotionally and said, “I killed my daughter for a game? Please tell me I did not kill my daughter for a game,” the affidavit states.

Ruiz-Martinez is being held on no bond at Osceola County Corrections.

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