Ormond-by-the-Sea Lions Club: A legacy of service and community impact

Club celebrates 20 years of community service

ORMOND-BY-THE-SEA, Fla. – Twice a month, members of the Ormond-by-the-Sea Lions Club file into Alfie’s Restaurant along State Road A1A. It’s a chance to catch up with friends and iron out the details of their community service projects.

Their meetings, with a view of the Atlantic Ocean across the street, make the club unique. So does their level of activity.

The Ormond-by-the-Sea Lions Club recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Bobbie Cheh has been a member for most of that time—17 years. She’s held various leadership roles, including vice president and president.

“Wherever there is a need in the community we are there,” Cheh said. “There’s always something to do.”

The club prides itself on its community service projects, such as adopting local highways and beaches for clean-up efforts and providing blood sugar screenings. They also support local schools with food drives and school supplies.

The international organization puts a focus on helping the hearing and visually impaired.

“We were challenged 100 years ago by Helen Keller to be Knights of the Blind,” said John Hanna, the second vice district governor. “And we have stood up to that.”

News 6 recognized the Ormond-By-The-Sea Lions Club with a 2019 Getting Results Award. We were there as they sorted used glasses in an Ocoee warehouse.

Bobbie Cheh examines a set of used donated glasses. (WKMG-TV)

Those glasses are provided to homeless shelters and medical facilities, as well as missionary trips to third-world countries. The club also donates readers and sunglasses to local food pantries.

Looking ahead, the Ormond-by-the-Sea Lions Club is preparing to host the 107th International Convention for Lions Clubs International in Orlando this July. The event will feature a parade and the installation of the next international president. Cheh and other club members are actively involved in organizing the event and are seeking volunteers to assist.

John Hanna, praised the club’s active role in the community, noting their involvement in projects like diabetes screening and eyeglass recycling.

Lions Club International has a mission to help the visually impaired. (WKMG-TV)

“Ormond-By-The-Sea is a very active club,” Hanna said. “They’re a good solid club and they do a lot of service. They help out with anything and everything that needs to be done.”

“We’re like WKMG, getting results,” Cheh said with a laugh. “We get results in our own local area.”

For those considering joining the Lions Club, Cheh encourages involvement, stating, “Helping other people is the first thing but it also gives you a purpose.”

The club offers a sense of community and the opportunity to make a positive impact.

The Ormond-by-the Sea Lions Club has about 40 active members. Meetings are filled with camaraderie and purpose, often featuring guest speakers.

As Cheh puts it, “We serve our community,” stating the club’s motto. “You get what you give. If you give to somebody, you get it back tenfold.”

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