Where can I check to see if my mail-in vote counted?

With more people voting via mail during this year’s election due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some fears for many that the ballot they send in won’t be received or counted.

But a majority of states have realized those concerns and have put in place tracking systems for people to monitor their votes, according to Business Insider.

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In 35 states, voters will have access to a tracking system by providing basic information such as name, address and date of birth.

Six of those states, California, Colorado, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina and Virginia, allow voters to sign up for text message or email alerts for updates on the status of their ballot.

There are 12 additional states that not only will offer a tracking system for ballots for federal and state races, but also at the county and local level.

Only three states, Mississippi, Missouri and Wyoming, don’t have ballot tracking systems at the state or county level.

For further questions or information on how to track your mail-in ballot, visit your state or community elections website.