UCF unveils 'space' themed homecoming uniforms

Football team wearing special helmets and jersey patch

Photo from UCF's official twitter @UCF

ORLANDO, Fla – UCF is using it's homecoming football game to get closer in touch with it's interstellar past.

The school released photos of the team's new "space"-themed uniforms that will be worn for the team's Homecoming game against East Carolina University.

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The school's release for the new uniforms online explains the out of this world theme coming as a result of UCF's original identity as "Florida Technological University" where its original purpose was centered around "supporting the growing United States space program at nearby Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station."

The team's jerseys will be adorned with a "mission-patch," that will feature planets, the constellation of Pegasus-the school's academic seal, a border that will evoke the scene of looking out a window a spaceship and the school's motto, "reach for the stars."

The Knights' helmets will see the traditional "UCF" lettering on the side now filled with a picture of the surface of the moon, as well as a stripe running across the top of the helmet-that the release describes as, "the largest NASA Hubble Space Telescope image ever assembled," of the Andromeda Galaxy, the closest galaxy to our own. 

The stripe includes six different constellations on it, including one that contains a dig at their rival, the University of South Florida Bulls, with the constellation of the Bull described as, "the victim of Orion's strike, Taurus represents the opponent and the conquered. 

For fans, the hope of stadium officials is to create a "starry knight," and they are encouraging anyone attending to wear black or white. 

The Knights game against East Carolina will be 7 p.m. on Saturday, and will be televised nationally on CBS Sports.