Sonic Prep Player of the Week: Remo Indomenico

Indomenico plays baseball at The First Academy

ORLADO, Fla. – Remo Indomenico is one of the best baseball hitters in the area and a clutch player.

The First Academy Royals and Indomenico recently wrapped a 24-win campaign, going all the way to the Class 2A state semifinals.

Indomenico delivered when his team needed him most. The junior led the team with a .455 batting average and 26 RBIs. Whether he roams the outfield or on the pitching mound, he tries to go all out for the sport he loves so much and for his team.

“My game, I would say go out there with a lot of energy and passion of the game,” Indomenico told News 6. “I just try to give it my all and leave it all out on the field.”

Next spring, Indomenico will be back doing it again for the Royals as a senior.

“I first started playing baseball when I was 6-years-old competitively, but I’ve always been playing whiffle ball when I was younger, like 2-years-old.”