News 6 named station of the year for second straight year

Florida Association of Broadcast Journalists announces award winners

News 6 wins several FABJ awards. (Copyright 2022 by WKMG ClickOrlando - All rights reserved.)

ORLANDO, Fla.News 6 was named the overall large market station of the year for the second straight year.

The Florida Association of Broadcast Journalists held its award show Saturday in Orlando, with News 6 taking home the top honor, along with several other accolades.

WKMG-TV won awards in the following categories:

  • News 6 executive producer John Ambrogne and producers Ryan Burkett and Cathleigh Winningham won “Best Television Morning Newscast” for their coverage of “Launch of Crew-2 Mission: April 23, 2021 | 5:30 a.m.”
  • WKMG-TV’s news team won best “Continuing Coverage” for their entry titled “Capitol Riot Arrests.”
  • News 6 anchor Matt Austin and photographer Paul Giorgio won best “Series/Franchise | Light” for their “Getting Results Award” coverage.
  • Investigative reporter Mike DeForest and photographer Darran Caudle won best “Political, Government, Election Reporting | Single” for their entry titled “Voter Fraud.”

WKMG-TV was a finalist in the following categories:

  • Assistant news director Jason Olson, executive producer Victoria Lyons and producer Ken Pilcher were finalists in the “Best Television Evening Newscast” category for their “Othal Wallace Manhunt: June 24, 2021 | 7 p.m.” entry.
  • WKMG-TV’s news team were finalists in the “Breaking News | Station” category for their “Othal Wallace Manhunt” coverage.
  • News 6 investigative reporter Erik Sandoval and photographers Paul Giorgio and Jim Cavanaugh were finalists for the “Environmental Reporting | Series” category for “Forecasting Change.”
  • Investigative reporter Merris Badcock and photographer Paul Giorgio were finalists in the “General Assignment” category for their “Traffic Angel” entry.
  • News 6 investigative reporter Erik Sandoval and photographer Jim Cavanaugh were finalists in the “General Assignment | Long” category for their “Policing 2.0″ coverage.
  • Investigative reporter Mike Holfeld and photographer Robert Breuer were finalists in the “Consumer, Financial, Economic Reporting” category for their work on “Make Ends Meet.”
  • Investigative reporter Merris Badcock and photographer Anthony Murdock were finalists for the best “Series/Franchise | Hard” with their “One Giant, Big Failure” coverage.
  • News 6 producers Tiffany Browne, Robert Brown and Ken Pilcher were finalists for the best “Feature Reporting | Cultural & Historical” category with their “Black History Month” coverage.
  • News 6 photographer Paul Giorgio was a finalist for the best “Use of Sound” for his “Running 4 Heroes” entry.
  • Investigative reporter Mike DeForest and photographer Darran Caudle were finalists for the best “Investigative Reporting | Single” category for their “Realtor Scheme” entry.
  • News 6 anchor Kirstin O’Connor, photographer Paul Giorgio and traffic safety expert and anchor Steve Montiero were finalists for the best “Health Reporting | Series” for their “Trooper Steve: A Survival Story” entry.

Watch News 6 for award-winning newscasts.