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19-year-old Orlando motorcyclist killed after swerving to miss SUV on Goldenrod Road

Florida troopers investigate fatal wreck in Orange County

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – A 19-year-old motorcyclist was killed early Friday in a crash in Orange County, the Florida Highway Patrol said.

The fatal wreck happened around 1 a.m. on Goldenrod Road at Mai Tai Drive, southeast of Orlando.

The FHP said a 57-year-old Orlando man was driving a 2021 Nissan Rogue north on Goldenrod and made a left turn onto Mai Tai Drive — in the direct path of a southbound 2006 Suzuki motorcycle.

According to troopers, the 19-year-old Orlando man swerved to avoid the SUV but lost control of his bike and was ejected from it.

The motorcyclist, who was wearing a helmet, was taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center and was pronounced dead, an FHP crash report said.

The SUV driver was not injured and remained at the scene, troopers said.

An investigation is ongoing.