ORLANDO, Fla. – It’s hot and that brings out some really weird behavior. Cool down and don’t be a honk.

Now, I can appreciate you putting your required flag on the canoe. However, how am I supposed to drive by your vehicle?
This is definitely not the marina. Let’s keep to the exterior spots next time.

Between me or Matt Austin, I am not sure who hates this more. Pretty sure the blue car knows exactly what they are doing.
Crossing traffic and blocking lanes is not how you fix YOUR mistake

This might be the coolest dog I’ve seen while driving around town.
Nothing wrong with this honk, it’s probably the best honk we’ve had. Sunglasses on, walking vest and a face we all can love. Just make sure you never leave them in the car and watch your stopping.
Keep your dash camera or passenger pictures coming and send them over to me at clickorlando.com/WhatTheHonk, attach it to an easy email and send it to me at AskTrooperSteve@wkmg.com, or share them on our PinIt! page.