Moon, planets putting on a show in the night sky

Jupiter and Saturn hang out with the moon next few nights

Look to the southern sky as night falls.

ORLANDO, Fla. – Jupiter and Saturn have been prominent fixtures in the evening sky over the past few months, but Wednesday, the waxing crescent moon joined in on the socially distant party.

The moon will remain in close proximity to the two bright dots through Nov. 21. Look for the three in the southern sky as night falls. Clouds may get in the way from time to time Thursday.

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Jupiter and Saturn and will also continue to get closer and closer together in the night sky until the winter solstice on Dec. 21. The last time the two gas giants were that close was back in the 1600s.

Also in December resides the King of Meteor Showers, the Geminids. It’s shaping up to be a good end to 2020 in the astronomy world.