Look up! Check out the Buck Moon and other things you can see in the night sky in July

Supermoon highlights July celestial events

Stargazers (WDIV)

ORLANDO, Fla. – July kicks off with not only a full moon, but a supermoon!

July 3

The full Buck Moon will double as a supermoon. A moon is considered to be super when it is at or near the closest point to Earth. The “near” part of the definition is what allows there to be multiple supermoons in a year.

The moon will reach peak illumination in the morning of July 3 but will still shine bright on the eve of Independence Day as it rises above the horizon.


During a supermoon, the moon appears brighter and larger than normal.

June’s full moon is nicknamed the Buck Moon because antlers of bucks are in growth-mode during this time.

Early July

Mars, Venus and the bright star Regulus will hang out low on the horizon in the western sky early in the month.

Venus will be closest to the horizon, with Mars just above it and to the left. Regulus is the highest in the sky.

Night Sky

Speaking of Venus, July 9 will mark the time that Venus will be at its greatest brightness.

July 18/19

Later in July, the crescent moon and Mercury will get up close and personal, low on the horizon.

July 19

This will take place in the northwestern sky.

July 29

The Delta Aquarids meteor shower peaks in late July. As with any meteor shower, the best time for viewing is after midnight as the radiant point is highest in the sky.

The Delta Aquarids are typically fainter meteors, so getting away from any source of light pollution is critical for viewing.

Mercury is also at its highest point in the night sky. This is crucial for viewing due to the planets proximity to the sun.

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Enjoy your summer nights!