New walk-up Starbucks planned for Orlando. Here’s where it could be

Project plans show two walk-up windows would be applied to the existing Starbucks store

Concept art for the planned walk-up windows Starbucks in Orlando (Starbucks/City of Orlando)

ORLANDO, Fla. – A new walk-up windows Starbucks storefront is being planned for Orlando, according to city documents released on Friday.

The project plans show two walk-up windows would be applied to the existing Starbucks store at 1915 Edgewater Drive.

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The change would eliminate customer access to the inside of the store, making the interior for employees only, the plans state.

In addition, outdoor seating is expected to be removed if the plans are approved by the city.

Instead, customers would be allowed to order at the new walk-up window facing West Yale Street under the awning, and the other walk-up window will face Edgewater Drive. Customers could use that window to pick up mobile orders.

City staff have recommended the project be approved, and the city’s Municipal Planning Board is expected to weigh its approval during the board’s next meeting on March 19.

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