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How to save money using artificial intelligence

App uses AI to help users reach goal

Saving money: You know you're supposed to, but it can be difficult. Now it's easier than ever, though, thanks to artificial intelligence.

Nasreen Stump is a busy mom and hardworking wife. She said a new app automatically puts her savings into different accounts based on her goals.

"I mean, it's essentially the high-tech equivalent of having a bunch of jars in front of you and seeing them fill up for what you want," Stump said.

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The app uses artificial intelligence, or AI.

You set rules so that if you do something specific, like spend less than $20 a week on coffee, you trigger the app to send a specified amount of money into an account set aside for a goal, like a vacation or car fund. 

Stump likes to put aside her spare change. 

"Every single time we spend, it's rounding up and putting some money aside for that," Stump said.

Her app, Qapital, is just one of several AI savings apps.

There's also Chime and Digit, which constantly monitors your checking account.

"It reviews your spending habits for the month and can then tell you how much you can afford to save and automatically does that and puts that away into a separate account," said Andrea Woroch, a consumer savings expert.

And it does it daily.

Some apps even help with investments.

Woroch explains the artificial intelligence is a form of something called "digital nudging."

"They may not even think they can afford to save or they don't know how to do their investments, so if they just set it up one time and it keeps doing it for them, that it just makes it that much easier," Woroch said.

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Some of the apps are free and others have fees, so check that carefully. You also want to confirm any app you choose is FDIC-insured.  

"I think we're going to see a lot more banks, credit cards and other financial institutions implementing various apps and online sites that are going to be using artificial intelligence to help people better manage their money," Woroch said.

Stump said it's exciting to see the results.

"Once I went in after that first week and saw how much I had saved without realizing it, then I kind of realized it could be a game, and I could really play around with it and segment different opportunity areas and things that we could save on," Stump said.

There are other apps Woroch recommends to save money, such as Trim, which monitors your monthly memberships you might be paying for but no longer use. 
