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Get registered during News 6's voter registration phone bank

Volunteers will be registering voters from Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties

ORLANDO, Fla. – News 6 and want to make it easy for you to register to vote in this important election year.

As part of that, the station is hosting a voter registration phone bank on Thursday, July 19, from 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Volunteers from Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties. are manning the phones all day to register new voters from across Central Florida.

Both Bill Cowles and Mike Ertel, the supervisors of elections for Orange and Seminole county, respectively, are answering questions about the voting process.

The experts are answering questions similar to the following:

  • What are the requirements to register as a Florida voter?
  • What does it mean that Florida is a closed primary state?
  • How can someone vote? What options are available for someone who can't make it to the polls?
  • Will there be changes to voting precincts?
  • What is the process for updating voter information before election day?

They are also discussing what resources are available to local voters to simplify the process and learn about candidates. You can find a list of all candidates running for office here.

For the 2018 elections, Orange County has changed 20 polling places. The voters in those precincts will receive new voter information cards in July with the new polling place listed. Those voters will also receive their sample ballot, in August, highlighting the change.

Important Dates

July 14: Deadline for Supervisors of Elections to mail ballots for requests already made by absent stateside and overseas uniformed service members and overseas civilians (also known as UOCAVA voters).
July 24-31: Initial window for Supervisors of Elections to mail ballots to all non-UOCAVA voters.
July 30: Last day to register for primary election
Aug. 18-25: Mandatory early voting period for primary election *additional days vary by county
Aug. 28: Primary election.
Aug. 22: Requests for a vote-by-mail ballot to be mailed to any voter must be received by the Supervisor of Elections before 5 p.m.
Aug. 24: Last day for Supervisors of Elections to mail vote-by-mail ballots requested for the Primary Election received after the initial deadlines listed above.
Oct. 2-9: Mandatory period for vote-by-mail ballots to be sent to domestic voters for general election.
Oct. 9: Last day to register for general election
Oct. 27-Nov. 3: Mandatory early voting period for general election *additional days vary by county
Nov. 6: General election.

Check here for special dates specific to individual counties. 
