Relative of suspects in St. Cloud mother’s death faces more child porn charges

Nicholas Rivera faces additional 24 counts

Nicholas Rivera. (WKMG)

OSCEOLA COUNTY, Fla. – A man who is related to two suspects currently in custody in connection with the death of a St. Cloud mother who was found dismembered after she went missing has been arrested on additional child pornography charges, according to the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office.

Nicholas Rivera was initially arrested in November on eight counts of possession of child pornography. The arrest came weeks after his brother, Christopher Otero-Rivera, and his father, Angel Luis Rivera, were arrested in October following the discovery of Nicole Montalvo’s remains on a property the family owned in the St. Cloud area, deputies said.

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Otero-Rivera was Montalvo’s estranged husband and the two had a son together.

Nicholas Rivera had been released from jail up until his arrest Monday on 24 additional counts of possession of child pornography and one count of transmission of pornography by electronic device or equipment. Records show he was arrested at a home in Orange County.

While Nicholas Rivera isn’t facing charges related to Montalvo’s death, his name has come up during the investigation.

Video interviews show he told Osceola County deputies that he saw Montalvo’s lifeless body in his parents’ garage the night she went missing.

He wasn’t sure about how, exactly, Montalvo was killed, according to the records.

Otero-Rivera was indicted in March on charges of second-degree murder, tampering with evidence and abuse of a dead body while Angel Rivera was indicted on abuse of a dead body, accessory after the fact and tampering with evidence charges.

All three men remain in custody as of Thursday.

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