ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. – Faith Assembly of God will reopen its doors for worship on Saturday, and has put in place safety measures for COVID-19.
Pastor Carl Stephens said It is beyond time to reopen the church’s doors and welcome the people he has missed seeing in pews.
“It’s been the longest seven weeks of my life, feels like anyway,” Stephens said.
The Orlando pastor has been delivering virtual sermons despite Gov. Ron DeSantis designating religious services as essential.
“We’ve preached to a camera knowing that there are literally thousands of people listening and watching the service,” Stephens said.
While the threat of the virus is not over Pastor Carl said the announcement by President Trump on Friday affirmed his decision.
“We really prayed about it we really felt good about it so then today the president comes out says to all the different governor’s churches are essential, which all pastors know that anyway,” Stephens said.
President Trump demanded Governors allow places of worship to reopen,” That really was another ‘okay this is a good weekend to start’,” Stephens said.
The Orlando church will have signs and markers placed throughout to remind the congregation to avoid physical contact. On Sunday, Pastor Carl said worshippers will be socially distanced in rows.
“We have commercial disinfectant equipment that they are going to be disinfecting they whole building before the service then in between our services,” Stephens said.
Pastor Carl said he is aware of lingering concerns some may have about the risk and he said he understands.
“Those that are not quite ready we’ve told them please, you do what you feel comfortable with.”