LONGWOOD, Fla. – Longwood Mayor Matt Morgan shared a video on Twitter of his nonverbal son with autism saying his ABCs.
"I was like, 'What?' No way,'" Morgan said.
The pro wrestler and former World Wrestling Entertainment star says this moment with his son, Jackson, ranks up there with any championship belt he has won.
"I started bawling like a big baby," he said.
This just happened!!! Feel like I just won the lotto!!!!!!!!! #autismawareness #NonverbalAutisticMyAss 🧩💪🏼 pic.twitter.com/MwvtOoidhO
— Matt Morgan (@BPmattmorgan) June 14, 2019
Morgan said he probably said the ABCs to Jackson about 50 times.
The Longwood Mayor said he could notice his son whispering the song.
On the 51st attempt, Jackson said the letters B and D.
“I can’t believe he just did this,” Morgan said in the video he shared on Twitter.
Morgan said he just wants to keep on helping Jackson grow.
“You’re their shield, you’re their sword,” he said.
The pro wrestler said one day, maybe he and Jackson will become tag team champions.