Brevard County approves controversial ban on fracking

Brevard County approves ban on fracking

BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. – Brevard County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to ban fracking in the county, News 6 partner Florida Today reported. 

"Under the ordinance, oil and gas exploration or production that uses 'well stimulation' will be prohibited in Brevard, 'including hydraulic fracturing, acidizing and acid fracturing.' The ordinance also bans any well stimulation techniques originating outside Brevard 'that in any way enters onto, into or under the ground within the boundaries of Brevard County,'" According to Florida Today. 

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Fracking is defined as "the injection of fluid into shale beds at high pressure in order to free up petroleum resources." The process creates fractures in rock formations, allowing natural gas and oil to be released.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says this method, which uses chemicals, causes cancer and can also lead to lung diseases. 

"It is very very important to protect the health of our citizens," said Phil Stasik, of the Space Coast Progressive Alliance, Florida Today reported. 

"We know that many times when fracking takes place, the wastewater is carried away from the fracking site."

Although the ban has been approved, Commissioner Andy Anderson said the county wouldn't be able to enforce the transportation of fracking wastewater. 

Commissioner Trudie Infantini spoke on behalf of Brevard County. 

"It lets them know, at least the elected officials up here... we're not behind you with the fracking," Infantini said, Florida Today reported. "I'm not against fracking. I'm against fracking in Brevard County and the rest of Florida, because of the aquifer and because of the potential danger."

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