Orlando Police salute workers on front line of COVID-19

Officers visited Laureate Park, Orlando VA Medical Center and Nemours Children’s Hospital

ORLANDO,Fla. – Officers with the Orlando police saluted workers on the front line of the coronavirus on Friday night.

During the Light the Night Driving Salute officers wanted to show their support of medical professionals, military veterans and families complying with the stay-at-home order.

Police cruisers could be seeing driving through Laureate Park, the Orlando VA Medical Center and Nemours Children’s Hospital and officers performed a good night lights display.

“Whenever we have had any challenging period in the history of Central Florida we have always demonstrated to everyone that we know how to come together,” Police Chief Orlando Rolon said.

Officers displayed lights and sirens to greet patients and medical personnel.

“We came out to show support to health care professionals and the community, in turn, saw it as an opportunity to praise and show love for the law enforcement officers that were coming through, it’s a win-win,” Chief Rolon said.

Police said Light The Night drive was created to maintain social distance and show support for the front line workers and everyone following the rules under the stay-at-home order.

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