
Facebook post from Volusia County School District poses more questions than answers

Parents are wondering if virtual learning will continue next semester

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. – The Volusia County School district posted a message on Facebook about the first day of school in the Fall and several concerned parents voiced their opinions in the comments section.

The post states they are planning to have all students start on the first day of school but it does not specify if all students will be back on campus or if some will be participating in distance learning.

The post from Friday evening also does not specify what health measures may be in place at school for students and staff.

"I just think that we're very early in the game here and it's just too soon to be putting out statements like that," Elizabeth Albert, president of the Volusia United Educators Union said. "The district has a history of putting statements out that create more questions than they generate answers."

News 6 contacted the spokesperson for the county’s school district who said they have not decided if students will appear in person on the first day of school and as of now, they do not know what reopening of schools will look like in the Fall.

Albert said there is currently a committee which was organized by the Volusia County School district. The group is made up of more than 100 people from different backgrounds that are discussing and creating proposals for reopening. According to Albert, the committee has until the end of June to complete the work they've been given.

"If we move too quickly and we jeopardize that, I think that is a mistake that we will not be able to undo," Albert said.

As for the new school year once again being done through distant learning, Albert said that option is possible.

"If we have to be virtual, we have to do a much better job of providing devices, and connectivity access to all of our students because we know that the playing field is not equal when it comes to those different types of learning," Albert said.

In an email sent June 8, Volusia County school district clarified:

"We are carefully and thoughtfully working with students, staff, teachers, community members (including health professionals), and other stakeholders to discuss what the 2020-2021 school year could look like. At this time, we have been holding focus groups which are discussing three potential options. These options include: going back full time (face-to-face), all virtual learning, or a combination of the two. While we can come up with a plan to present to our school board, Gov. Desantis’ orders will ultimately determine what fall will look like.”

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