
Video: Florida woman claims she ‘snapped’ before damaging Trump signs, deputies say

Suspect says she was ‘tired of the lies’

FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. – A Florida woman who was caught damaging signs promoting President Donald Trump said she was an anarchist who just “snapped” when she saw them, according to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.

A deputy said he was patrolling in the area of Palm Coast Parkway Saturday afternoon when he noticed a woman hitting political signs that were posted on private property and when he approached her, she said she was walking in the area and realized she was “tired of the lies” so she attempted to remove and damage the signs.

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Body camera footage from the second deputy who arrived at the scene shows 42-year-old Tonya McRae explaining the situation further.

“I kind of snapped and I tried to pull that one out, the ‘Women for Trump.’ I don’t believe, like, if you’re a woman for Trump -- he’s a misogynist, he doesn’t respect women, in my opinion. So I’m like, ‘That’s bull (expletive),’ so I pulled that out then the one behind, it that says ‘Trump 2020,’ I tried to pull that (expletive) out but (the deputy) saw me and he stopped me. I said, 'OK dude. I’ll try to replace it, I’ll try to fix it,” she said.

According to the footage, McRae told deputies that she’s an anarchist who has never been in trouble with the law who believes that she was “acting as a revolutionary” and “acting against an unjust system.”

"I’m fighting for equality for everybody and I feel that Trump, and not just Trump because he’s a Republican -- I don’t trust the Democrats either -- and that’s why, like I said, when I throw out anarchist it means, like, I want a system where all of us have a more direct say-so in how we’re governed and I think that our current two-party system doesn’t afford that to us,” McRae explained.

She admitted that she didn’t think destroying signs would change anyone’s political views or the way the American system operates. The deputy suggested that she write to politicians and find other legal ways to fight for her beliefs.

Records show McRae initially said her name was Phoenix M. Unger but when deputies told her it’s a crime to provide a false name, she said that’s what she prefers to be called but McRae is her legal name.

She’s facing charges of criminal mischief and providing a false name to law enforcement.

"Emotions are high this election season but it is almost over,” Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly said in a news release. “Overall, the community has done a good job being respectful of the beliefs and opinions of others. Please continue to do so. We have had sporadic reports of vandalism and theft of political signs by all parties. Remember that it is illegal to damage or steal campaign signs in the same way that it is illegal to damage or steal someone else’s property. The best way to show your opinion is by voting tomorrow, not destroying property.”

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