
Supporters rally downtown after projections declare Joe Biden president-elect

Florida leaders chime in

ORLANDO, Fla. – Dozens of supporters filled Lake Eola on Saturday afternoon in support of President-elect Joe Biden, after projections from Nevada and Pennsylvania put the former vice president’s ticket over the top.

Congresswoman Val Demings spoke to News 6 after the projections. She campaigned for Biden and was vetted for vice president on his ticket.

“We need to get our economy back on track and we know how important tourism is to central Florida,” she said. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a plan for that. The historic election with Kamala Harris as the first woman vice president, the first African American female vice president just really means America is living up to its promise. This is really what the American dream is all about.”

Other Florida legislators point out the path to the White House still involves quite a few legal challenges.

Sen. Rick Scott tweeted Saturday afternoon:

Sen. Marco Rubio echoed similar remarks later in the evening:

UCF history professor and News 6 political analyst Jim Clark points out that recounts rarely change the outcome of an election.

“If you go back and look at past recounts, it may change 300 or 400 votes, but nothing substantial,” he said.

Clark told News 6 this election likely doesn’t end President Donald Trump’s foray into politics.

“[President Trump] can still dominate the Republican Party,” he said. “He can dominate the media and he can probably win the Republican nomination in four years.”

Trump’s campaign said beginning Monday, they will begin prosecuting their case in court.

About the Author

It has been an absolute pleasure for Clay LePard living and working in Orlando since he joined News 6 in July 2017. Previously, Clay worked at WNEP TV in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where he brought viewers along to witness everything from unprecedented access to the Tobyhanna Army Depot to an interview with convicted double-murderer Hugo Selenski.

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