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News 6 Getting Results: Kids with disabilities connecting; veterans giving back

WKMG-TV honors people in our community each week

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News 6 is always working to get results in Central Florida.

From stories focused on health, education and crime to showcasing people getting results in our community, News 6 works to make the Orlando area a better place to live.

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Here are some recent Getting Results stories that may pique your interest:

A special meeting between a 1-year-old boy and a 34-year-old woman who share a connection went viral recently. The video shows the moment Joseph Tidd realizes Amy Siesel has the same kind of limb difference as him. Kirstin O'Connor shows us how the viral video teaches a lesson about the power of friendship.

Meet the little boy behind the adorable fist bump video

A viewer's tip helped detectives in Titusville get crime results in a hit and run case. All they had was a single surveillance shot of the car that hit a teenage girl on her bicycle. Investigators say someone saw that picture and cracked the case. Watch Erik von Ancken's story to see how a call to Crimeline made the difference.

Arrested: Hit-and-run driver accused of checking on girl after knocking her off bicycle

Law enforcement agencies around Central Florida teamed up Wednesday to get results for the safety of pedestrians and drivers. Sachelle Saunders shows us the stepped-up enforcement at crosswalks.

Officers promote pedestrian safety during Operation Best Foot Forward

A local program is using music for Alzheimer's patients and people in the early stages of dementia. It's called Musical Minds Choir. Every week, people who suffer from the disease get to relive their special memories through music. Carolina Cardona was at a session and explains how it's getting results.

Program uses music to jog memories of patients with Alzheimer's, dementia

Grandparents can provide a source of comfort and wisdom in any setting, especially in the classroom. Julie Broughton introduces us to one foster grandparent using a lot of hugs to get results in our schools. Watch her story below.

Foster grandparent helps students in Parramore neighborhood

Retired Army Capt. Bobby Withers was looking for direction after getting injured in Afghanistan, so he joined The Mission Continues and has led the veteran-supported charity for a little over a year. Withers is this week's Getting Results Award winner. Matt Austin shares his story here:

Veterans bond over charitable giving

Thank you for watching News 6, and remember, you can nominate someone you think is deserving of the Getting Results Award by clicking here.

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