Location | 195 miles NNE of Madison Wisconsin |
Wind | 40 mph |
Heading | NNE at 30 mph |
Pressure | 29.03 |
Coordinates | 88.2W, 45.8N |
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At 400 a.m. CDT (0900 UTC), the center of Post-Tropical Cyclone Cristobal was located near latitude 45.8 north, longitude 88.2 west. The post-tropical cyclone is moving toward the north-northeast near 30 mph (48 km/h) and this motion is expected to continue as Cristobal tracks into ontario, Canada.
Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Little change in strength is forecast during the next 48 hours.
The estimated minimum central pressure is 983 mb (29.03 inches).
Watches and Warnings
Lakeshore flood warnings are in effect for, * northern shores of lake St. Clair
Lakeshore flood advisories are in effect for, * lake Michigan shoreline of northern lower Michigan * lake Michigan shoreline of upper Michigan * lake huron shoreline of upper Michigan
A gale warning is in effect for, * lake Michigan * eastern lake superior * portions of lake huron
Wind advisories are in effect for, * parts of Wisconsin and Michigan
For storm information specific to your area, including possible inland watches and warnings, please monitor products issued by your local National Weather Service forecast office.
Land Hazards
Wind: winds gusting over 40 mph are expected early this morning over portions of Wisconsin and Michigan close to the great lakes.
Rainfall: the primary rainfall threat with Cristobal has ended. Sporadic heavy rain is possible today across the great lakes, along and ahead of a cold front associated with extratropical Cristobal. Minor to moderate river flooding will continue across portions of the Mississippi valley.
Tornadoes: a few tornadoes are possible today across in the great lakes region, with the greatest chances in parts of Michigan, Indiana and Ohio.